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  • 4 Oct 2021 10:17 PM | Anonymous

    Handling dawn raids -  Regulatory Investigations by the SFC in Hong Kong (Part B)

    In the previous joint webinar held on 11 August, which was well-received by participants, speaker, Mr. Sherman Yan, managing partner and head of Litigation & Dispute Resolution, ONC Lawyers, shared his insights on some features of the Securities and Futures Commission’s Investigative Powers, together with examples and case studies. However, as there was not sufficient time to cover all of the scheduled topics, Mr. Yan has kindly agreed to conduct a follow-up webinar, covering these additional topics, including dawn raids, search warrants, and self-reporting. He will also give a brief summary of the previous talk for the benefit of participants who were unable to attend that event.

    Date: Monday, 18 October 2021
    Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. 
    Speaker: Sherman Yan
      Managing Partner, Head of Litigation & Dispute Resolution, ONC Lawyers
    Language:  English
    Enquiries:  Marco Yip (marcoyip@hkicpa.org.hk);
      Ki Wong (wkwong@hkicpa.org.hk)
    Enrolment deadline: Online enrolment by 12 October 2021
      (offline enrolment by 8 October 2021)

    After successful registration, the meeting URL and login password will be provided nearer the event date.

    Please see event flyer for details and enrolment.
  • 26 Sep 2021 7:00 PM | Anonymous

    Topic :
    "Latest Cyber Security / Technology Crime Trend and the Corporate Governance "

    Speaker : -
    Mr. Paul Pak-ho, YEUNG.
    Senior Inspector of police, Office in charge of Collaboration Team 1, Cyber Security Division, Cyber Security and Technology Crime Bureau (CSTCB), HK Police Force.
    Graduated from Imperial College London with a Bachelor Degree in Engineering.  He joined the Force in 2012 and spent majority of his career in the line of crime investigations.  In  2018, he was transferred from OCTB to the CSTCB and is currently attached to the Collaboration Team 1 of the CSD CSTCB

    ACIA Representatives:
    Dr. Peter Tsui, President of ACIA.

    Roddy Lau,  VP of ACIA,  HKICPA, FAIA, FTIHK, CTA, ASCA.

    Simon Chow, Honorary Advisor of ACIA. HKICPA, CPA, HKICS, CIMA, TIHK, CTA, HKRFP.

    Ronald Man, Treasurer of ACIA. CPAA, HKICPA.

    Date : 05.10.2021 Tue
    Time :
    Presentations / Q&A
    Enrollment link :

    ZOOM link:

    Sponsors :
    Ascent Partners,
    CWK CPA Ltd.


    Free 1.5 hr CPD to participants by ACIA after 21 days!ZOOM name must same as Enrollment, otherwise, no CPD.
    ZOOM starts before 12 00pm. PPT to ord. members only.

  • 22 Aug 2021 10:12 PM | Anonymous

    ASIS Hong Kong Chapter is organising an online seminar featuring the Executive Director of Institute of Strategic Risk Management in the crisis handling post terrorism attack, using a case sharing of the Manchester Arena suicide bombing which took 23 lives including the attacker, and injured 1017 people.


    Dr David Rubens is the CEO of the Deltar Group and Executive Director of the Institute of Strategic Risk Management (ISRM), which he founded in 2018. He is a recognised authority on the strategic management of complex events, particularly within a multi-agency crisis management framework.

    David holds a doctorate in security and risk management from the University of Portsmouth, writing his thesis on alternative command & control frameworks for strategic management and critical decision-making in complex crisis environments. He has been a Visiting Lecturer and Dissertation Supervisor on the Leicester University ‘Security, Policing and Terrorism’ MSc programme, and a Visiting Lecturer on the Strategic Leadership programme at Cranfield University, where he lectured on terrorism and public policy, and strategic management of complex operations. He is currently a Visiting Lecturer on the International Security Management Masters programme at the Berlin School of Economics and Law.

    David contributed to the UK Critical Infrastructure Resilience Executive Steering Committee as a Subject Matter Expert for the strategic management of complex crisis management and was a founding member of the London Resilience Gold Command Crisis Management Project Academic Advisory Group. He is currently a member of the UK National Preparedness Commission. Dr David Rubens was voted the IFSEC No 1 Global Security Thought Leader of 2019.

    Key takeaways:

    - The reason for the ‘success’ of the Manchester Arena attack in 2017

    - The key events leading up to the attack identified by the Report of the Manchester Arena attack

    - The failures of security management in the lead up to the attack and aftermath response

    - How ISRM can help your organisation to prepare and drill for an attack on your organisation

    - What can the ISRM offer to ASIS chapters and security practitioners in courses and seminars?

    Date/Time : 10 September 2021 (16:00 - 17:00 hours Hong Kong Time)

    Venue: Online Zoom Meeting; joining instruction will be sent upon successful registration

    Language : English

    CostFree for ASIS members and Friendly association members (OSAC / ACSG / BCI / ACFE / HKSA / IPSA / APSA / CSI)
    Non-members HK$100 

    CPE Points: One CPE Point.  Certificate of attendance will be award for participant who continuously stay in the webinar for no less than 45 minutes.
    *members need to apply CPE points via the ASIS on-line system

    Please register by replying email to treasurer@asis.org.hk with subject ‘ASIS Event 2021 Sept 10”
    1) Members- provide name, organisation and membership ID
    2) Non-members, provide name and proof of payment

    Deadline for registration: 24 hours before the event date/time.
  • 21 Jul 2021 11:54 PM | Anonymous

    Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) is organizing the "Security Big Data & A.I. Analytic (SBDA) Training" in September 2021.  ACFE HK members can enjoy the discounted price.  For more details (including enrolment methods), please refer to the course webpage.

  • 21 Jul 2021 11:38 PM | Anonymous

    ASIS will host the webinar by Current Consulting's Björn Wahlstrom with Lee Oddess on the 28th of July - the topic is Trends in Access Control and Security.

    Please see attached the flyer and registering at the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkfu6vrT4vH9aI6OWG0hHEcGgCeD1nTcyl

    Further details

    The webinar will cover the following:

    • Security has gone mainstream as a feature of a larger value proposition and the impacts it has on our old truths of high security are being challenged. What are they and how to respond?
    • Megatechs influence both in business practices as well as standards like CHiP, LORA, and 5G impacting the way our systems work
    • The impact of new access control companies in the past 6 months raising $300+M in capital to exercise in the global market. We have never seen this before.
    • The introduction of the end user as a stakeholder. With mobile and the increased adoption of new technology such as health attestation, end users will now influence what systems go in, stay, and how they function. We are all set up for the admin and the dealer…what do we do with the end user?
    • Our industry has forever been about keeping bad people out, it is now about letting the right person in. We are applying 30-year-old products and processes to today and tomorrow use cases.
    Members of the ACFE can sign up the webinar for free.
  • 27 Jun 2021 9:47 PM | Anonymous

    ASIS Hong Kong Chapter is organising a talk on the security challenges involved with your organizational staff resuming travelling and considerations that must be given for remote site working. Join the event for the talk, social and meet friends for a drink afterwards.

    Members of the ACFE can enjoy discounted rate.

    Topic Descriptions:
    New challenges are emerging requiring security to support with a broader risk management approach. To support the company to make better and more correct decisions entering contracts with less risk, network and reliable intelligence are key, combined with proper security planning.

    Staffan has more than 28 years of operational and strategic experience in security and crisis response globally. His background comprises of the civilian security sector holding positions as security manager, consultant and service provider in various companies including airports, commercial, industrial and construction sectors. In addition, he had served the Swedish Armed Forces for 5 years and taken part in UN peace operations in Bosnia, Liberia and Afghanistan. 

    Staffan had been with ABB since 2004 until July 2020 where he started a new position as Head of Security and Crisis Management APAC, Middle East, and Africa and Global Program manager for Project Security Program for Hitachi ABB Power Grids. Previously he supported Swedish ABB projects in Saudi Arabia during 2004/05 and Iraq projects in 2006. Since 2007, he was given the task to build up Corporate Security and Crisis Response including Travel and Project Security for ABB globally in Zurich. This was the start up for the Security corporate function in January 2007.

    Date/Time/ Venue
    June 30, 2021
    Seminar: 4pm–5pm Hong Kong Time (GMT +8)
    Social Networking: 5pm onwards
    Venue: Hair of the Dog 3, 22 Minden Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui


    ASIS HK Chapter Members HK$150
    Friendly association members (OSAC / ACSG / BCI / ACFE / HKSA / IPSA / APSA / CSI) HK$150
    Non-Members HK$250
    Fees include first round of drinks

    CPE Points

    One (1) CPE Point(s).
    *members need to apply for their CPE points via the ASIS on-line system

    Please submit payment proof to treasurer@asis.org.hk 

    Bank Information:
    Title: ASIS International Hong Kong Chapter
    HSBC Account No. 162-037352-001

    24 hours before the event date/time.


  • 31 May 2021 10:28 PM | Anonymous

    We would like to share with you the following events organized by ISACA in June 2021.  ACFE members can enjoy the special discount.

    Cybersecurity Fundamentals Certificate Exam Review Course

    Two-Day Hands-on Workshop (CPE)

    Happy-Hour Webinar

    Global Webinar

    Cybersecurity Fundamentals Certificate Exam Review Course (CPE)

    Two-Day Cybersecurity Fundamentals Certificate Exam Review Course

    * Two-Day Fast Track Course *
    * Accredited Trainer *
    * Four-Week Q&A Support * 

    Date: 3 & 4 June (Thursday & Friday)

    Time: 9am - 5pm

    CPE Hour: 16 CPEs

    Venue: ISACA China Hong Kong Chapter, 15B, Yam Tze Commercial Building, 23 Thomson Road, Wanchai

    ISACA Accredited Trainer:
    Mr. Freeman Ng
    Principal Consultant of iSystems Security Limited; Certification Director of ISACA China HK Chapter

    Why attend this Course?
    - Our Chapter’s exam review course trainers are “ISACA Accredited Trainers”
       * To ensure trainers are delivering the most relevant educational experience, ISACA has created an accredited process for trainers
       * Trainers are pre-qualified against a set of standards and requirements to ensure only qualified applicants are accredited
      * Trainers have gone through the rigors of accreditation proving both their subject matter expertise as well as their training ability (high quality and uniform learning experiences) 
    - Use of ISACA-official course materials

    Complimentary offer:
    Free 4 weeks of Q&A support by our Chapter (Period - From 28 May 2021 to 24 June 2021)

    Details & Registration

    Two-Day Hands-on Workshop (CPE)

    Topic: Find hacker from the Moon – Digital Forensics from case study

    Date: 28 & 29 June 2021 (Monday & Tuesday)

    Time: 9am - 5pm

    CPE Hour: 16 CPEs

    Venue: Room 302, 3/F, Shop 2, Pico Tower, 66 Gloucester Road, Wanchai

    Abstract: Johnny, CFO of Moon travel company received complain letter that SpaceShip company did not receive the payment for over 2 months after submitting the invoices. But Johnny confirmed with his bank that the payment has already been made. How come!!! What happen? Is that insider problem? Is that due to external hacker? Is SpaceShip company cheating?

    You are being invited to help him to conduct the investigation.

    Within this hands-on workshop, we will cover two main parts – Day 1 (Acquisition) and Day 2 (Investigation and Analysis). So in Day 1 of the workshop, we will guide you from incident management, containment and identification of evidence. Then we will perform forensics acquisition from memory, computer disk, cloud computing environment through a number of demonstration and lab sessions. We will also explain the pitfalls and challenges in forensics acquisition.

    On Day 2, we will switch our role to act as investigator. We will then understand where and what we can find and extract from various artefacts from Windows System, user profiles, files, network and emails. Ultimately, as Holmes, we will have to reconstruct and reassemble broken pieces of artefacts to become a reasonable case.

    Digital Forensics can be fun if we know how to perform the steps with appropriate skills.

    Details & Registration

    Happy-Hour Webinar (CPE)

    Topic:Practical Data Privacy; Lessons Learned From Implementing Privacy in FinTech
    Skills, Tools, Knowledge and Certifications to Support Your Journey

    Date: Tuesday, 8 June 2021

    Time: 6pm - 7pm

    CPE Hour: 1 CPE

    Online Platform: Zoom

    Abstract: Privacy by Design; Privacy by Default is a more common phrase we are hearing in industry now, but where should companies start in their journey when upholding their employees / customers’ rights? Where to start when obtaining industry certifications like ISO27701 to build trust? And with the recent updates by tech giants on data privacy with relation to their products and services (e.g. iOS 14.5) and what are some key privacy technology challenges companies need to be prepared for. 

    Jason helped drive ISO27701:2019 and NIST Privacy Framework for a company to be the first FinTech company worldwide to obtain both of these certifications. Join Jason as he discusses his strategy and lessons learned from driving these programs. Understand how organizations can benefit from obtaining data privacy certifications and how ISO27701 can help bridge the gap to other regional regulations like EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and how individual certifications like ISACA’s latest CDPSE can complement those who already hold ISACA certifications. 

    Join this session if you are looking for practical guidance on implementing privacy in your organisation. This session will be conducted in English.

    Details & Registration

    Global Webinar (CPE) 

    Topic: Tame that Overprivileged Cloud

    Length: 1 Hour (1 CPE)

    Abstract: If privilege management on prem was a walk in the park, in the cloud it’s a jungle.

    Enterprises are struggling with identities swell, credentials sprawl and privilege creep from thousands of human and service identities, coupled with excessively permissive policies. Gartner has sounded the alarm: by 2023, 75% of cloud security failures will result from inadequate management of identities, access and privileges.

    It’s time to tame the beast. In this webinar, Ermetic will discuss challenges, use cases and best practices for mitigating access risks and moving—in harmony with devops—toward least privilege in Cloud environments.

    Details & Registration
  • 31 May 2021 10:17 PM | Anonymous

    Mr Arthur Yuen, Deputy Chief Executive of Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), will speak for us at the Regulatory Webinar Series on 16 June 2021. 

    Hear from Mr Yuen on HKMA’s three strategic directions:

    1. Green Finance: climate risk management; disclosure; common ground taxonomy; international co-operation; and capacity building 
    2. Technology: Fintech strategies and views on Regtech 
    3. Greater Bay Area: updates on the latest initiatives

    Please refer to HKSI event webpage for registration and further details.

    As a supporting organisation, members of the ACFE Hong Kong Chapter can enjoy discounted rates.
  • 22 May 2021 10:46 AM | Anonymous

    ASIS Hong Kong Chapter is hosting an online talk on social engineering and prevention strategies on cyber attacks by Mr. Christopher Salgado.


    Christopher Salgado is a highly accomplished and trusted security and investigations leader with more than 19 years in cyber and physical investigations. Throughout his career, he has assisted Fortune 50 companies including via the installation of numerous innovative and efficient processes in the topics of investigations, security, brand protection, threat management, business continuity, intelligence, operations, recruiting, customer service, employee morale and leadership. The companies that have benefitted from his services span across the spectrum of industries, including social media, pharmaceutical, luxury brands consumables, automotive, electronics, film production, streaming services, entertainment and insurance. He has also assisted investigations firms and law firms across the globe. Christopher Salgado is a contributing author to PI Magazine on cyber and social media investigations and a member of the London Speaker Bureau. Cyber investigation is his forte.

    He worked for Facebook and various international corporations throughout his career in security. He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science (Minor in Psychology).

    His co-founded investigation company All Points Investigations, LLC and was a member of ASIS International (Chicago Chapter).


    • Introduction
      • What is social engineering?
      • Why is it important to avoid?
      • ~95% of successful cyberattacks involved social engineering
    • Case Studies- Recent examples of real dangers involving social engineering
    • Potential Victims of Social Engineering- Who is at risk for social engineering?
    • The Dangers of Successful Social Engineering Campaigns
    • Types of Social Engineering Attacks
    • Preventive Measures Against Social Engineering
    • Reactionary Steps for Victims of Social Engineering
    • Prognosis of Social Engineering in 2021


    May 26, 2021 

    Seminar:4pm–5pm Hong Kong Time (GMT +8)
    *please allow 5-10 minutes to log-in




    ASIS HK Chapter Members & Friendly Association Members - Nil

    Non-Members HK$100.

    CPE Points:

    One (1) CPE Point(s). 

    *members need to apply for their CPE points via the ASIS on-line system


    ASIS HK Chapter Members

    Please reply directly with a single word “Yes”, the joining instruction will be sent to you.

    Friendly association members (OSAC / ACSG / BCI / ACFE / HKSA / IPSA / APSA / CSI) 

    Please reply directly with your name, association name and membership ID.


    Please submit payment proof to treasurer@asis.hk.org, and the joining instructions will be sent to you. 


    24 hours before the event date/time.



  • 12 May 2021 10:32 PM | Anonymous

    *** The event is FULL due to overwhelming response. Further registration will be put on waitlist ***

    ACFE Malaysia Chapter (MACFE) will be organising a webinar talk series 3 with the title of  “How Cultural Values Influences Fraud and Corruption”. Two prominent speakers namely Dr Hendri  Prabowo and Prof Uantchern have agreed to be speakers in this webinar scheduled on 21 May 2021 (Friday) at 8 pm (Malaysian time).

    MACFE agreed to offer 10 free seats to the members of ACFE Hong Kong Chapter.  Please fill out the form before 18 May 2021.  Seats will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.  Successful registrants will be contacted separately by email.

    Please fill out this registration form to register.  Seats will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

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