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Events by Supporting Organisation

  • 29 Mar 2021 8:30 PM | Anonymous

    Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) is organizing the following Workshops / Trainings in Apr and May 2021.  ACFE HK members can enjoy the discounted price.

    Please visit the respective event webpages for details and enrolment. 

  • 15 Mar 2021 11:16 AM | Anonymous
     Tackling Grand Corruption in China and Taiwan
    Date  19 March 2021
     8 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
    Webinar platform
    Fee  Free for ACFE Hong Kong Chapter members
    Registration  Fill out the online registration form

    ACFE Malaysia Chapter (MACFE) will host a webinar on the topic "Tackling Grand Corruption in China and Taiwan".  Mr. Aaron Lau, Vice President of MACFE, will be the moderator of the webinar.

    Our director, Mr. Kris Lee, together with Dr. Ernie Ko, will be the speakers of the webinar.

    MACFE is offering free seats for ACFE Hong Kong Chapter members.  Certification of attendance for this event will be given via email upon request by those who attended the full session of the event.  If you are not yet a member of the ACFE Hong Kong Chapter, please join us now.

    Please see the event flyer for further information.

  • 20 Feb 2021 12:05 PM | Anonymous

    From the chaos following the recent U.S. election to false information about COVID-19 vaccinations, there seems to be an increasing proliferation of “fake news”, particularly on social media. At its worst, the impact can be very damaging, e.g., undermining efforts to combat the pandemic, causing market volatility, deepening divisions in society and even, it would seem, inciting violence.

    In this webinar, our speaker, Professor Keith B Richburg of HKU and formerly an award- winning journalist with The Washington Post, will cover:

    • Defining “fake news”. Is it a new phenomenon or is it just more pervasive?
    • What are the common themes of fake news?
    • Is the spread of misinformation just a social media problem?
    • Differentiating fact from fiction, half-truths and opinion. 
    • How to address the spread of fake news? Should it be policed?
    • Responsibilities of different parties – governments, the media, the reader?
    • Is there a role for forensic investigators?


    Wednesday, 10 March 2021


    1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. 


    Professor Keith B. Richburg

    Director of the Journalism and Media Studies Centre and Professor of Practice, The University of Hong Kong




    Betsy Liang (betsyliang@hkicpa.org.hk);
    Ki Wong (

    Enrolment deadline:

    Online enrolment by 7 March 2021
    (offline enrolment by 4 March 2021)

    After successful registration, the meeting URL and login password will be provided nearer the event date.

    Please see the event webpage for further details and registration.

    ACFE members can enjoy discounted rate.

  • 26 Jan 2021 11:46 AM | Anonymous



    Mr. Dennis Wu is the Vice Chairman and Executive Director of AEC Group (Stock Code#8320) mainly focusing on Green and Healthy Buildings, Environmental Consultancy and Sustainability Advisory.  Mr. Wu is also the Founder and CEO of AEC Capital Group focusing on sustainable finance, real estate and investment management.

    Mr. Wu has 20 years of experience in finance industry, Mr. Wu worked in the Assurance and Business Advisory Services Department – Financial Institution Group of Arthur Andersen and PricewaterhouseCoopers in early 2000.  Then, he worked for CITIC Capital Group focusing on alternative asset management including private equity, real estate, mezzanine, venture capital and marketable securities for 17 years since 2003. During his career in CITIC Capital, Mr. Wu had appointed as Executive Director for Finance Department, Principle Investment Department and Culture and Tourism Department respectively.  

    He is a director of Hong Kong Private Equity Finance Association (“HKPEFA”) which aims to promote the private equity and venture capital industry in Hong Kong.  He is also one of the admission panel members of the Incubation Program of Hong Kong Science and Technology Park (“HKSTP”).

    Mr. Wu graduated from the University of Southern California in the United States with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, majoring in Finance, in December 1996. He obtained a master degree of Accountancy from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in November 2001.  In November 2020, he completed the Sustainable Finance Course from University of Cambridge.



    日期: 2021年01月27日 (星期三)

    主講: 17:00 pm – 18:00 pm

    加入 Zoom Meeting link :  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84195897605?pwd=RjZza1ZVZHE4YlgzWExxNnNkRGFHdz09 

    會議 ID: 841 9589 7605

    密碼: 473008

    Language 語言︰

    Cantonese  粵語

    Event flyer:


    Online application:


  • 17 Jan 2021 12:12 PM | Anonymous

    Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) is organizing "Build a Secure Cyberspace “Secure Use of Mobile Devices” Webinar cum Sticker Design Contest Award Ceremony" on 5 Feb 2021.
    For more details including enrolment methods, please refer to the following :

    Build a Secure Cyberspace "Secure Use of Mobile Devices" Webinar cum Sticker Design Contest Award Ceremony 

    Date: 5 February 2021 (Friday)


    AM Session: 09:30 - 12:45(Online platform is ready at 09:00)

    PM Session: 14:30 - 17:30(Online platform is ready at 14:00)

    Venue: Webinar (Broadcast by Zoom)Audience:

    AM Session (SMEs, Businesses,Management and IT Professionals)

    PM Session (SMEs, Schools,Students and General Public)

    Language:  Cantonese

    Fee:  Free (Registration is required and must log in with designated zoom link)

    Enrolment Link:   https://form.jotform.com/203649087760463

  • 17 Jan 2021 12:02 PM | Anonymous



    Mr. Chu Wai Pang, Chester朱維鵬先生

    President of The Hong Kong Association of Financial Advisors Ltd.

    Vice President of Society of Registered Financial Planners

    Member of Dashun Foundation Think Tank

    Chief Executive Officer of Fruit Tree Group




    ESG(Environmental, Social, Governance)代表「環境、社會、企業管治」,ESG投資概念盛行,可持續發展投資,怎能缺少Social「社會」的考慮,朱先生將演譯世界和香港面對的「社會」改變和趨勢,投資者作出投資決策時應慎重考慮,內容包括:

    The Third Pillar(第三支柱),The Elements of Value Pyramid(價值要素),Populist(民粹主義),Social Movement(社會運動),Broken Windows Theory(破窗理論),Lucifer Effect(路西法效應),Crowd(烏合之眾),Fixing Broken Windows Theory(補窗理論)。



    日期: 2021年01月20日 (星期三)

    主講: 17:00 pm – 18:30 pm

    加入 Zoom Meeting link : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83892728784?pwd=SDN0cU5aaGhwRGg0MTJYVHRnVDBVQT09

    會議 ID:838 9272 8784


    Language 語言︰

    Cantonese  粵語

    Event flyer:


    Online application:


  • 6 Jan 2021 10:33 AM | Anonymous

    The next event organised by the HKICPA ForensIG will be a panel discussion held on 22 January, 2021, at which experienced forensic, audit and legal practitioners, will consider the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB)’s recently-issued discussion paper on issues and challenges relating to the gap between what users of the financial statements expect and the realities of the financial statement audit.

    The discussion will cover:

    • What are possible ways to narrow the gap?
    • Should forensic accountants be engaged to help narrow the expectation gap and would there be any potential implications for auditors’ liability?
    • Should more communication and education be directed at shareholders/ investors? Should they even be engaged during the audit planning stage?
    • Should the current standards/ regulations be amended?
    • Introduction of the paper
    • Elements of the audit expectation gap, including the knowledge gap, in terms of the expected role of auditors, the performance gap between work done and requirements, and the evolution gap, i.e., how audit needs to continue to develop.
    • Which parties should assume responsibilities regarding fraud and going concern? Management, audit committees, auditors or regulators?

    Online enrollment will be closed by 19 January 2021 and event details as below:


    Friday, 22 January 2021


    1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. 


    Paul Lau

    Chair, Auditing and Assurance Standards Committee, and Head of Professional Practice and Capital Markets, KPMG


    Stephen Law

    Council Member of Hong Kong Independent Non-Executive Director Association & the Chairman of its Corporate Governance Committee


    Desmond CL Yu

    Partner, Dispute Resolution and Regulatory, MinterEllison


    Chris Fordham

    Member, ForensIG Management Committee, and Managing Director, Disputes and Investigations, Alvarez & Marsal


    More to come……


    Guy Norman

    Convenor, ForensIG Management Committee, and Partner, Forensic & Dispute Services, Deloitte & Touche Financial Advisory Services




    Betsy Liang (betsyliang@hkicpa.org.hk)

    Ki Wong (wkwong@hkicpa.org.hk)

    After successful registration, the meeting URL and login password will be provided nearer the event date.
    For the latest advice, guidance and other updates, from the Institute, regulators and other bodies, please visit our regularly-updated COVID-19 – CPA Information Centre webpage.

    Please see the event flyer for further details and registration.

    ACFE members can enjoy discounted rate.

  • 9 Dec 2020 7:40 PM | Anonymous



    Mr. Dennis Wu is the Vice Chairman and Executive Director of AEC Group (Stock Code#8320) mainly focusing on Green and Healthy Buildings, Environmental Consultancy and Sustainability Advisory.  Mr. Wu is also the Founder and CEO of AEC Capital Group focusing on sustainable finance, real estate and investment management.

    Mr. Wu has 20 years of experience in finance industry, Mr. Wu worked in the Assurance and Business Advisory Services Department – Financial Institution Group of Arthur Andersen and PricewaterhouseCoopers in early 2000.  Then, he worked for CITIC Capital Group focusing on alternative asset management including private equity, real estate, mezzanine, venture capital and marketable securities for 17 years since 2003. During his career in CITIC Capital, Mr. Wu had appointed as Executive Director for Finance Department, Principle Investment Department and Culture and Tourism Department respectively.   He is a director of Hong Kong Private Equity Finance Association (“HKPEFA”) which aims to promote the private equity and venture capital industry in Hong Kong.  He is also one of the admission panel members of the Incubation Program of Hong Kong Science and Technology Park (“HKSTP”).

    Mr. Wu graduated from the University of Southern California in the United States with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, majoring in Finance, in December 1996. He obtained a master degree of Accountancy from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in November 2001.  In November 2020, he completed the Sustainable Finance Course from University of Cambridge.



    日期: 2020年12月23日 (星期三)

    主講: 17:00 pm – 18:00 pm

    加入 Zoom Meeting link : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86905891924?pwd=QVlrbFlhMUhDSUM2UTMvMEtmNmJNdz09

    會議 ID: 869 0589 1924


    Joint Organizations:


    The Hong Kong Association of Financial Advisors Ltd (HKAFA)  {Lead}

    Society of Registered Financial Planners (HKRFP)

    World Freelancers Alliance (WFA)

    Institute of Compliance Officers (ICO) &

    Institute of Certified Finance and Responsible Officers (iCFRo)

    Supporting Organizations:


    Dashun Foundation

    General Union of Hong Kong Accounting Professionals and Staff

    Association of Chinese Internal Auditors (ACIA)

    Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Hong Kong Chapter (ACFE)

    The Institute of Crisis and Risk Management (ICRM)

    Language 語言︰

    Cantonese  粵語

    Event flyer:


    Online application:


  • 9 Dec 2020 10:03 AM | Anonymous

    The Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute (HKSI) is pleased to have Mr Charles Li, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX), to speak for them in HKSI distinct Regulatory Webinar Series this year.

    Hear from Mr Li who will share his insights on the HKEX’s key initiatives and reform which have a long-term and far-reaching impact on the development of Hong Kong’s financial market.

    Please refer to HKSI event webpage for registration and further details.

    As a supporting organisation, members of the ACFE Hong Kong Chapter can enjoy discounted rates.

  • 21 Nov 2020 9:48 AM | Anonymous



    Mr. Dennis Wu is the Vice Chairman and Executive Director of AEC Group (Stock Code#8320) mainly focusing on Green and Healthy Buildings, Environmental Consultancy and Sustainability Advisory.  Mr. Wu is also the Founder and CEO of AEC Capital Group focusing on sustainable finance, real estate and investment management.


    Mr. Wu has 20 years of experience in finance industry, Mr. Wu worked in the Assurance and Business Advisory Services Department – Financial Institution Group of Arthur Andersen and PricewaterhouseCoopers in early 2000.  Then, he worked for CITIC Capital Group focusing on alternative asset management including private equity, real estate, mezzanine, venture capital and marketable securities for 17 years since 2003. During his career in CITIC Capital, Mr. Wu had appointed as Executive Director for Finance Department, Principle Investment Department and Culture and Tourism Department respectively.   He is a director of Hong Kong Private Equity Finance Association (“HKPEFA”) which aims to promote the private equity and venture capital industry in Hong Kong.  He is also one of the admission panel members of the Incubation Program of Hong Kong Science and Technology Park (“HKSTP”).


    活動詳情 :

    日期: 2020年11月25日 (星期三)

    主講: 17:00 pm – 18:00 pm

    加入 Zoom Meeting link : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88460388074?pwd=a0M3aE04akhkWG9LNG9ZejZoaFhFdz09

    會議 ID: 884 6038 8074


    Joint Organizations:


    The Hong Kong Association of Financial Advisors Ltd (HKAFA)  {Lead}
    Society of Registered Financial Planners (HKRFP)
    World Freelancers Alliance (WFA)
    Institute of Compliance Officers (ICO) &
    Institute of Certified Finance and Responsible Officers (iCFRo)

    Supporting Organizations:


    Dashun Foundation
    General Union of Hong Kong Accounting Professionals and Staff
    Association of Chinese Internal Auditors (ACIA)
    Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Hong Kong Chapter (ACFE)
    The Institute of Crisis and Risk Management (ICRM)

    Language 語言︰

    Cantonese  粵語

    Event flyer:


    Online application:


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